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Berita Viral Terkini Di Malaysia

Homeless Mаn Iѕ Admіttеd Tо Hоѕріtаl, But Pеорlе Rеаlіzе Hе'ѕ Nоt Alоnе

This week, healthcare worker Cris Mamprim and her colleagues at Hospital Regional Alto Vale in Brazil bore witness to a touching scene that none will soon forget.
It was a glimpse at love in its purest form.
At around 3 a.m. on Sunday, a homeless man named César entered the hospital to receive treatment and medication for a health problem he's been battling. Normally, the man is attended to at another facility in town, so Mamprim and the other staffers asked about his condition and his story.
And they soon realized that their new patient wasn't alone.
Despite his lack of material possessions, César's life was rich with friendship. Looking just outside the hospital's front door, the staff saw a group of faithful canine companions were eagerly awaiting his safe return.
Mamprim came to learn that the man had taken it upon himself to care for the dogs, who otherwise would be without a friend in the world.
In fact, César admitted that he often forgoes food for himself to ensure the pups in company stay well fed.
"They are all well taken care of and chubby," Mamprim told The Dodo. "Seeing them like that, waiting at the door, only shows how much they are cared for and loved."

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